Sunday, September 11, 2011

101 things in 1001 days

I've never been much of a list person.  My best friend and daughter live for them, but not me--at least up until now. I love spontaneity; and, the structure of following a list seemed counterintuituve. I've made lists before, but missed the key element of looking at them again and checking things off.

Recently, I happened upon a blog post at Eat Your Career that led me to research the 101 Things in 1001 days project or DayZero Project.  I liked the idea of having nearly three years to complete the items on the list.

Without committing myself to the project, I decided to create my list--then I would decide if I wanted to commit to it.

I had already missed days on my Whale A Day project and I wondered if I was setting myself up for failure with this much larger list.  The truth is, the list existed long before it hit the paper and the "failure" was present even without it being on paper.

The first round I wrote nearly 50 items.  Some were particularly lofty and I contemplated removing some of them--could I really accomplish all of them in a little less than three years?

As I took a few days to compile my list, I came to realize that I have more than enough tools in my spiritual toolbag to be successful and I  incorporated the use of those tools into the list--#77 is one of them; and I have already completed #79 to help me be successful.

I have committed.  You can read my list here if you like.  My start date is 9/11/11 and my completion date is 6/8/14.

I'd love to have encouragement, which is why I am doing this publicly.

Cheer me on!

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